A Toolkit for Gender-inclusive Wilderness Leadership
- Author(s): Randolf Delay and Janet Dyment
- Organization: Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance
- Date Published: January 1, 2003
In the early days of outdoor experiential programs, it was usually assumed that males and females experienced and interpreted wilderness-based outdoor experiential activities similarly. Since then, researchers and practitioners have learned that this is not always the case. In order to be truly effective, trip leaders should keep the needs of the individuals in mind. This includes needs related to gender.
Much of the discussion on the role of gender in outdoor activities has focused on the experiences of women and girls. For example, a recent debate on “”gender-specific programs”” was entirely devoted to women’s-only programs. Feminism has provided an important corrective by making female experiences more visible and by working to erase male-female imbalances. Nevertheless, the experiences of men and boys also need to receive attention.
Readers should recognize that there are larger cultural and societal issues that have a direct impact on female inclusion and participation in wilderness activities. Some of these aspects will be noted here, but the main focus of this article is to assist wilderness leaders in the field.
How are Adventure Education Program Outcomes Achieved? A Review of the Literature
- Author(s): Marcia McKenzie
- Organization: Australian Journal of Outdoor Education
- Date Published: January 1, 2000
This article provides an overview of the existing literature on how program outcomes are achieved. It is divided into categories of program characteristics that the literature suggests contribute to program outcomes, including: the physical environment, activities, processing, the group, instructors, and the participant. Outcomes referred to throughout the article are those generally associated with adventure education programs, such as increases in participants’ self-concepts and interpersonal skills. The reviewed literature indicates that the current understanding of how adventure education program outcomes are achieved is based largely on theory, rather than on empirical research. Further research could provide adventure educators with a better understanding of why programs work and enable them to tailor programs to increase their effectiveness.
Nature Clubs for Families Toolkit
- Organization: Children and Nature Network (http://www.childrenandnature.org/)
The Children & Nature Network (C&NN) has drawn on the best available research, common sense, and parents’ direct experiences to develop this C&NN Nature Clubs for Families Tool Kit: Do It Yourself! Do It Now! We hope it inspires you to get your own family and friends outdoors for many happy, healthy adventures together.
Promoting Unstructured Free Play in Your Community: A Resource Manual
- Organization: Community Health and Built Environment Project Team
- Date Published: January 1, 2011
This manual has been designed to be used as a tool to implement an unstructured free play program in your community. In this manual you will find an introduction to unstructured free play, steps to establish an unstructured free play program in your community, and a wide variety of games and activities.
The objective of an unstructured free play program in your community would be to familiarize children and youth with enjoyable, unstructured free play games and activities. The program is designed for children and youth of all sociodemographic backgrounds to have the opportunity to play, engage in physical activity, and have fun with one another regardless of who has the best or most expensive equipment.
The premise is that once children and youth are introduced to fun, unstructured free play games and activities, they will be eager to initiate these activities during their own free time. It is anticipated that this will lead to an increase in overall activity levels, which will improve the physical health of young people and ultimately reduce the incidence of overweight and obesity.